Abby: Day 12, 7/31

SA2SOS Aug 2, 2015

Today we enjoyed a breakfast at our hotel.  Then we went to White Sands Naional Park to walk a couple trails and turn in my Junior Ranger. From there we headed to Billy the Kid's Visitor Center. As we were getting out of the car it started to rain very lightly. Once we got under the awning it started to get harder and only got harder from there. Then we went to Roswell to learn about UFOs. There were so many gift shops on one block!(and we went to almost all of them!) Then we headed to our hotel area to have dinner and then set-up at the hotel. We ate diner at the only restaurant in the "town". The town had a indoor put-put course, a waterpark, a grocery store, a restaurant, a souvenier shop, an RV park, and a hotel.(that's it!) We got set up at the hotel and then headed over to Carlsbad Caverns to watch the bat flight and tke the full moon hike. It was beautiful, but by the end I was extremely tired. Once we got back to the hotel I got ready for bed and went straight to sleep. Write more soon!
