Abby: Day 2

THALAMAC Jul 27, 2013

Left early in the morning again! Saw a giant blue bug by the side of the road! We went to the Providence State House. It had beautiful rooms! It was freezing cold, and we wore coats the whole time. We went to the Lizzie Borden House. We toured the house. I got to lie on the floor where Abby Borden was murdered. I got a strange feeling lying there on the floor! We also went to the graveyard to see the Bordens’ graves. We went to the American Girl Store for dinner. At the American Girl Bistro I ate cheesy pretzels, a mini picnic, a sparkly drink, and 3 brownie pops. They had special chairs for the dolls to sit at the table and eat with you! They also have doll holders in the bathrooms so it can keep your doll safe and dry. The food was delicious, and we were glad we were not in the pouring rain! At the end of the day we went on a ghost tour of Salem. We visited many houses, hotels, and stores. We had a day full of girls, stories, and hauntings!
