Abby: Day 2

SA2SOS Jul 22, 2015

I am sorry if some of this doesn't exactly make complete sense because I'm writing it pretty late at night.

Today was pretty "early", about 7:30 wake up time. It wasn't early for me and my mom, but it was for Aunt Stacy.During breakfast the power went out at the hotel. We then went to Cadillac Ranch. We could not go up due to flooding, but we did get a faraway picture. We went on a "scenic" drive on the Historic Route 66, though we only saw a couple of Route 66 buildings and places. Afetr that we drove through the panhandle of Texas up to Oklahoma. This is the spot where the scenery starts to be very similar; flat or slight hills, shades of green and brown, and maybe some corn or cows. On the way through Oklahoma we saw a couple remnants from the Dust Bowl such as old prarie houses. Then we went to the Tristate Marker or 8-mile Corner. This is where Oklahoma,Colorado, and Kansas meet. Afterwords we headed to Cimarron National Grasslands to take the auto tour. The coolest part of the tour was the Santa Fe Trail stop. The Santa Fe Trail was a trail for traders, and it went from Missouri to New Mexico. We got a cache and dropped off a Maryland crab made just for Kansas in the cache. And so we heade off to conquer more driving on the road. We drove into Colorado and got a delicious dinner at a dinner in Lamar. We got a sunset picture before heading onto the road again. About 15 minutes after being on the road we could tell a storm was brewing. We could see the sheets of rain to the left of us and the lightning to the front and the right. And also the search for the bathrooms began. Later after awesome storm pics it started to rain and then to pour. Still there was no bathroom, and it had been about an hour. The rain slowed down and the search continued. After about 2 hours (approximate) we found a small gas station with a bathroom. : ) On with the driving. We were headed to Denver where our hotel was located. It has an outdoor pool! We are staying here for 2 nights. Well I better get some sleep or else I'll be a "zombie" in the morning. Write more tomorrow! ; P
