Abby: Day 3

THALAMAC Jul 30, 2013

This morning we arrived at The House of the Seven Gables.  We took the tour of the house.  In some parts of the house the ceiling was so low I could have stood on a small stool and touched it, but in other parts of the house it was tall.  There were hidden doors, stairs, cabinets, and passageways. We also got to tour the small but pretty Nathaniel Hawthorne Birthplace House.  There were very pretty gardens.   The house was great even though it was dark, gloomy, and rainy outside.  We visited the Salem Visitor Center and stopped at a store.  We left Salem, went through New Hampshire, and arrived in Maine.  We stopped to see Nubble Lighthouse.  We couldn’t get on the lighthouse island, but we could see it. There was a beautiful view.  After that we ate Brown’s Ice Cream in the rain and went to Goldenrod’s Kisses to eat dinner.  A wonderful day!
