Abby: Day 5 ; A Perfect Balance 7/24

SA2SOS Jul 26, 2015

I usually don't put a title because I feel like it limits me, but today deserved this title.

Our first stop was the Garden of the Gods. Magnificent views and pictures. I got to do a very small beginners rock climb on one of the rocks. I also completed a Junior Ranger and got announced about it over the loud speaker at the Visitor Center. From there we headed to Great Sand Dunes National Park. Boy was it a wonder! 8 O The sand dunes depnded on the rivers surrounding it to keep it from washing away. Mind boggling! 8 / When we went out to the dunes we took off our shoes because we had to cross a river. We thought the sand would be cool because it was shady, but by the time we got to the "top" the sand was sunny and burning. By the way, advice for other tourists, cardboard does NOT work for sliding down the dunes! We had to be quick with our visit because a storm was quickly approaching from all around us. We barely missed the big storm, but we hit a couple small clouds. We also saw a very vivid and bright rainbow behind us. Another hour or two without a bathroom. >: / We got out of the car at wolf creek pass to explore the quiet river and scenery. We then saw a colorful and very beauitful sunset in the Rocky Mountians. Once we got to the hotel we were exuasted. Its a very neat place and we were excited about traveling back in time until we found out we couldn't post anything. : ( This day was truly a perfect balance of history and sights to behold. Write more soon!
