Checking Off That "Bucket List!" August 26, 2018

Poland Aug 27, 2018

Since time insists on marching on, Gene and I decided we'd better start checking items off our "bucket list" before it gets too late. Today marks a really huge one for me. I not only made it to Poland, where half of my ancestry originates, but I also had pierogies in Poland!! Pierogies are filled Polish dumplings, my favorite being the potato and cheese filling. Oh my heavens, were they wonderful! (Not as good as my mother's, of course.  )

We began our pilgrimage by attending Mass (in Polish) at a beautiful little church right across the street from our hotel. After giving in to our jet lag and catching a few hours of sleep, we were swept away for dinner by my father's first cousin, his wife, son and daughter-in-law. My grandfather, one of the older of the 9 children, left Poland for the US when Zbyszek's father was just a little boy. Zbyszek, being the youngest child of the youngest child, is closer to my age. What an absolutely delightful evening! Since my Polish is non-existent, they luckily spoke pretty good English. Along with a little help from Google Translate, we did just fine. They treated us to a delicious Polish dinner in the most charming little restaurant. Conversation came easy as new friendships were formed and before we knew it, the evening was over. I hadn't seen Zbyszek in 40 years, when he visited the US in 1978. We thoroughly enjoyed our time with him, Ewa, Dominik, and Monika.

Tomorrow's another "bucket list" item as we visit the villages where my grandparents were born.
