Day 4, Devotion (Wed, Aug 29)

Poland Sep 3, 2018

If you're not Catholic, you probably think we're crazy or cult-like because of our love for Jesus' mother, Mary, and the Saints. A lot of that has to do with our infatuation with them not being explained properly.

We do not worship Mary and the Saints. We venerate them. We believe they are definitely in heaven--no doubt about it (like with the rest of us sinners and purgatory). Thus, they are in a better position to intercede for us on our behalf.

With Mary, specifically, Father Calloway (our spiritual leader on this retreat) put it beautifully during Day 5 (this journal was written 1 day behind).

Paraphrasing: if I asked you to pray for my intention, it is no different than me asking a Saint to pray for my intentions. In the same vein, if you were to compliment my mother, sing songs to her, and tell her how much you love and respect her, I'm not going to get angry with you. I'm going to think kindly of you, and give you whatever you want. With Mary, it is no different.

That is why we love Mary so much. She was perfect enough for God the Father to choose as the physical parent of His son. So, why should we not love and respect her just as much? We need all the help we can get, and Mary is an influence (on our behalf) unequal to any other human. She literally gave birth to our Lord and Savior!

I can't remember exactly when this occurred, but around the 1600s the king of Poland asked our Mother Mary for assistance in a battle. If he was successful, he would dedicate Poland to her. The king's campaign was, indeed, a success! And, the king kept his word: Poland was dedicated to Mary.

Our first stop was to Niepokalanow, where Saint Maximillian Kolbe lived after returning from missionary work in Japan. If you know nothing of his history, I encourage you to look him up. He became the head of Mary's army (Militia of the Immaculate), armed with the Divine Mercy, a printing press, and a radio station. Then, in 1941, he gave his life for another while in Auschwitz.

We had Mass in the same small chapel he did, and were blessed with the first-class relic: some of his beard. Later, we were able to venerate the relic, personally.

We then walked the grounds, and meandered through the museum before making our way to the Basilica. Having grown up in Germany, and travelled to many European countries during that time, no church has struck me with awe as much as this one did as I stepped over the threshold into the sanctuary. It was truly awesome!

Today was mostly about getting to the next city for the night, with a few stops along the way. Besides for Mass, we were never in a location for very long.

(My first Geocache in Poland! At a gas station/truck stop.)

Next up was seeing St. Faustina's childhood home near Swinice Warckie. Very small, but lovely! Then, on to her childhood church, St. Casimir (the old is being renovated; only the newer is shown).

Snowball Bush! That's what "Kalinofsky" means.

The church was being remodeled/fixed, and they were throwing out what can technically be considered relics (bricks)!

We found our hotel in Czestochowa and had dinner. Afterwards, most of us meandered over to the church where the sacred icon of the Black Madonna is housed, at Jasna Gora Monastery, for the nightly prayers/devotions at 9pm.

The prayers were amazing, mostly sung, and 99% in Polish and 1% Latin.

We were warned multiple times about pick-pockets (specifically here), and now I understand why. I had forgotten to move my small backpack-purse to my front before it got too crowded... We were crammed in like sardines, there were so many people! In the photo, I'm about 1/3 to the gated inner section near the altar. Luckily, I had other pilgrims from our group standing behind me.

They lock the doors promptly after prayers have ended-Pilgrims still inside-so we made a beeline for the doors. Mind you, those pilgrims wish to be locked in there all night, praying. I just prefer my bed...

Tomorrow, we will have Mass within the gate, directly beneath the Black Madonna!

(Last photo is of the lights within the hotel's entryway.)
