Day 5: Surrounded by Saints and Things Sacred (Thurs, Aug 30)

Poland Sep 3, 2018

The approach is grand. A quiet little monastery sits, unassuming, atop one of the few hills in the flat plains of Poland, and slowly rises to greet us. Flags welcome us as we, and other pilgrims, draw even closer. The bell tower looms above us. Will it toll?

We arrived early, so our group visits the various chapels surrounding the main structure. Talk about gorgeous! There was gold leaf everywhere!

As our Mass time approached, we made our way to the main sanctuary, where a Latin Mass was nearing competition. On the left side of the altar, there is a peculiar corralled entrance that goes along the left side of the church. When you reach the gated altar, you are supposed to proceed on your knees, but our tour guide didn't make us... Perhaps it is only the tradition of the true pilgrims of St. Faustina and the Black Madonna who do the kneeling?

(Everyone was busy taking their own photos for each other, so we took a selfie.)

Behind the altar is a thin and long space with walls lined with thin sheets of metal (silver?? It would tarnish, and these were bright behind the plexi-glass) embossed with religious figures and symbols. Directly centred behind the altar is a relic of St. Faustina.

All 72 of us crammed into the small area before the altar for our Mass--standing room only. Pilgrims filed around us on their knees throughout.

We then toured the rest of the monastery.

(Strawberry and Cream Ice Cream! YUM!!)

Back in the buses! On to Wadowice, the birthplace of Karol Wojtyla (St. John Paul II).

The church where he was baptized is literally right nextdoor to his childhood home--the home is now a beautiful museum.

The left side is a huge mirror reflecting the "puzzle" on the right. You have to stand in just the right spot for it to come together.

Photos above include: gun used in the assassination attempt against St. John Paul II; relic of body guard's suit splashed with blood of StJPII; vestments from his various appointments (promotions) within the Church, and more.

This was a fantastic museum, and if you are ever in Wadowice, I urge you to stop by. We even got to see his childhood house, set up just how it used to be.

The church nextdoor did not disappoint, either. There was a StJPII relic, yet another beautiful altar, and the baptismal font where StJPII was baptized.

We hated to leave, but Krakow called. On we went to the last third of our adventure.
