Day 5: The Black Madonna and John Paul II (Thurs, Aug 30)

Poland Sep 3, 2018

This morning's Mass was held in the grandest shrine in Poland, the Jasne Gora Monastery. We were extremely fortunate to be able to have our Mass at the main altar - right below the holy icon!

The icon has become darkened over the years from the many burning candles nearby. When the Nazis came through, they mocked it, using the derogatory term "Black Madonna." The Polish people turned the tables on the Nazis, and lovingly adopted the name for their beloved Madonna.

I was in utter awe while sitting so close to this icon which I have heard about since childhood. She is absolutely beautiful! The inner chapel where she resides is decorated to reflect the respect that the Polish people have for their beloved Madonna.

Even the walls were hung with strings of amber. The belt the Pope wore when he was shot is encased next to the icon.

We continued on to Wadowice, the birthplace of St John Paul II. Wadowice is a beautiful little town which has grown much since Karol Wojtyla was elected pope.

John Paul's childhood home is on the charming t own square, right next to his parish church. Although his apartment is on the second floor of the building, the entire building is now a museum to Poland's beloved Pope.

I have been to a lot of museums, and this is one of the best. It takes you through Pope St John Paul's entire life including his apartment reproduced to be exactly as it was when he was growing up.

While sitting at the kitchen table each morning, young Karol looked out the window to see a saying painted on the church wall which would influence his entire life, "Time flees, eternity dwells."

The beautiful church contains the Baptismal font where he was Baptised at 2 days old. Young Karol also served as an altar boy in this church.

Dinner that night was held in the Wierzynek the oldest restaurant in Krakow to be continuously in the same location, since 1364. It was a very grand affair. When serving the main course, the waiters in unison placed the dome covered plates before us, then ceremoniously uncovered the plates, again in unison. It was quite a show!

Krakows main square at night is fairy tale like and just a short walk from our hotel.
