Day 6: Poland's Highlander Country (Fri, Aug 31)

Poland Sep 4, 2018

After a week of perfect weather, this was our only day of rain. It would not have been so bad except we spent the entire day in Zakopane in the Tatra Mountains of southern Poland. Because of the clouds and fog we were not able to see their beautiful peaks--the Alps of Poland.

Being very athletic, John Paul II frequented Zakopane. Here one can find hiking, kayaking, and skiing. It's a beautiful area even in the rain and fog.

Zakopane has a relatively new church, Our Lady of Fatima, built to honor Our Lady for protecting the Pope during his assassination attempt in 1981.

Oh my heavens! This church is gorgeous!! Zakopane is known for its elaborate woodwork and the master carvers outdid themselves with this church.

Our daily Mass was held here.

Zakopane is an adorable little town a nd I would love to spend more time here. The architecture reflects its wood workers high quality chraftsmanship.

There was the most wonderful cemetery! The grave stones reflect the chraftsmanship of the area.

The main shopping street, Krupowki Street, is abuzz with activity. It is lined with stalls selling everything imaginable. Stacy and I had a blast shopping!

Zakopane is also known for its s moked cheese. They are very decorative and look like loaves of bread. It's very tasty! (Gene didn't like it but I thought it was good.)

What we should have seen

What we saw

We took the cable car up a mountain even though there wasn't much to see because of the fog. On top there were more restaurants and stalls.

Slovakia is right on the other side of these mountains. This is the closest I've gotten to the other half of my heritage. My father was Polish and my mother was Slovak. I was only a few miles away!

Jaszczorowka Chapel is a little way up the mountain and was visited frequently by John Paul throughout his life. He would often walk the paths surrounding the Chapel in prayer and reflection.

Again, it reflects the incredible craftsmanship of the area.

At the main church in the center of Zakopane, John Paul, while on a visit in 1997, gave out 1st Communion to the children. Can you imagine receiving your 1st Holy Communion from the Pope?!!
