Kim - Are we really almost there? Oct 7

Camino de Santiago Oct 7, 2023

We started this morning at some interesting sites in Padron before hitting the road again. We watched the sun rise as we explored Santiaguino Do Monte where St James preached.

Iglacia De Santiago De Padron - This church has the stone that the boat carrying St James' body was tied to as it traveled to Santiago de Compostella.

Convento del Carmen - We enjoyed the views from the convent on top of the hill.

You know we've been on the Camino for 10 days and have almost reached our destination of Santiago when Dad says his chicken looks like his socks!! #toesocksforthewin

We logged 9 miles today and are almost to our destination of Santiago de Compostella! Beautiful views along the way today -we shared the trail with many, many bikes and many other peregrinos who were excited to be approaching the final destination! But it was very hilly and HOT, the afternoon called for crocs and coke breaks! We were very excited to see the numbers go below 10km!

And after a long day, a relaxing dinner at the hotel is much appreciated and enjoyed.
