Kim - Here we go to the End of the World Oct 9

Camino de Santiago Oct 9, 2023

Beautiful crisp morning views while walking through Santiago

It's time to stop walking and enjoy a bus trip today - it's time to go to the end of the world, Finisterre and Muxia.

First stop - Ponte Maceira, a small village with under 100 inhabitants. It is part of the list of Most Beautiful Towns in Spain.

Its bridge, A Ponte Vella, over the Tambre River, dates back to Roman times. Hórreos (granaries) and mills line the river areas

My toes finally met their twins!

Second stop - Muros, a cute coastal town with mussel farms off its coastline and a boat or 2 that I might take home as a souvenir.

Third stop - Carnota, home to one of the largest horreos in Galacia and beautiful beaches

Beautiful driving views along the Costa De Motre

Fourth stop - the village of Ezaro and Cascada de Ezaro on the Xallas River. The Cascada de Ezaro flows from the Xallas River, or Rio Xallas, and is the only river in Europe that rushes into the ocean in the form of a waterfall. The Cascada de Ezaro is found at the base of the ancient revered Mount Pindo. The mountain is donned with unique and peculiar granite boulders, which is where ancient legends were fabricated of giants and spirits of druids living here. That’s why the sacred mountain is often referred to as the Celtic Olympus.


Fifth stop - Finisterre, the end of the world

The name of the village comes from the Romans who saw the village as ‘the end of the world’. Today, Finisterre is for many pilgrims the end point of their camino. According the stories in history, Finisterre was the first place where the Apostle James set foot in Galicia. Because of that history the place is special to pilgrims and the milestone with the mytical distance: 0,00 km, the ‘end of the world’! This milestone marks the end of the Camino de Finisterre.

Sixth stop - Finisterre village

It was a super yummy lunch in the village with great views of the water and local seafood fresh off the boat.

Last stop - Muxia, Costa da Morte
The smell of the salty air, the sound of the crashing waves and the feeling of being at the other "End of the World"

