Kim - Ruta da Pedra e da Agua - The Way of Stone and Water Oct 5

Camino de Santiago Oct 5, 2023

It was a foggy morning at the top of the hill in Armenteira as we started our day.

Prayer to start our day

Ruta da Pedra e da Agua or The Way of Stone and Water was the main highlight of our day and definitely didn't disappoint, with over 30 waterfalls and just as many old mill ruins along the 4.25 miles decent back down the mountain. Steep rocky steps, babbling brooks, rushing waterfalls, mossy stones, ferns galore, slippery rocks, and fantastic ruins of the old mills We enjoyed watching 2 different sets children enjoying the trails on a field trip as well, and we received many Buen Camino! And Hola! from them. We had another trailside lunch and even ran into our Ohio trail friends, John and Bill again today for a bit. Overall, we completed another 9 miles and are one day closer to Santiago.

An evening spent resting and relaxing and hunting for dinner in Combados - no restaurants open, so we settled for a grocery store run and had a sandwich and salad picnic at our hotel. Dinner of champions!
