Stacy: Day 13 - The Way of Stone and Water

Camino de Santiago Oct 5, 2023

Today was the day! Well. We're not arriving in Santiago de Compostela for a handful more days... but, GUYS. THIS is the reason why my mom chose to walk the Spiritual Variant of the Portuguese Camino: The Way of Stone and Water.

Dad joined us, again, and we all walked past yesterday's monastery to begin the path. Bill and John greeted us for a few moments before they moved on at their faster pace. It was good to see them.

This way is so absolutely stunning (for 85% of the walk--about 5 miles, I think) that it is nicknamed "Hobbit Land." I'm only going to include some photos of the hundreds I took. Waaaaay too many photos did I take, and I think you'll get the idea with what I include, here.

With every turn, the scenery just kept getting better and better. It was crazy how gorgeous this place is. The sound of water never leaves you as the path runs along the river for its entire length; the moss is so lush and vibrant. The water is so crystal clear as it slips over the endless amounts of rocks in the riverbed. There are ruins of mills all along it. I wonder what they ground.

There was more bouldering, again. Dad had a rough time for the roughest part of the path (3 miles; before lunch), but he made it the entire way.

After leaving the path, we walked through more vineyards, and made it to Cambados.

(Photos of our hotel)

We cleaned up, checked Google for restaurants around to look for restaurants at 7:30 pm, and started walking to the closest one (4 minutes away).

Google was wrong, or Google lied. Google said there was a restaurant where there wasn't (twice!), and had all sorts of incorrect information about just others (stated they were open when they were not.

So, what's an exhausted, starving family to do? Go to the local supermarket (MUCH smaller than your smallest HEB, and grab all things gluten free so you can make sandwiches to share, and eat in the courtyard of your hotel.

Not that we need another sandwich. That's what our lunches usually consist of, technically our continental breakfasts are deconstructed sandwiches.

That's what today's lunch definitely consisted of. And, now dinner.


And, then we went to bed.

So, goodnight!
