Stacy: Day 9 - Who's Counting the Miles, Anyway?

Camino de Santiago Oct 1, 2023

So, our Camino travel agent's calculations and our GPS pedometers and tracking devices aren't jiving.

Somehow a 4-5 mile hike became 8 miles. We did go to Mass at the local church, but I didn't turn on my FitBit late– probably a quarter of a mile into the day's Camino.

Mass at the local church (totally my style of altar! --Gothic, not baroque.)

Regardless. We walked to the ancient Roman aqueduct very close to our Pension.

Now, again, I'm not complaining in the least, but it's obvious we're becoming accustomed to the scenery because we're not stopping to take quite as many photos along the Way.

And it was another scorching-hot day! We all somehow made it to Arcade, and called the owner of our hotel to come pick us up at this really cool, old bridge.

Apparently, Napoleon's army was defeated there. The French had 100 times more wounded and dead the Spanish.

Our hotel is an active vineyard! Th owner and her brother are new in charge of it, and the oldest paperwork they can find about the house dates back to the 1600s! It has been in their father's family for longer, she's sure though.

Good night!
