Stacy disappeared...

Camino de Santiago Oct 14, 2023

Welp. We're home. I actually have several drafts open for most of the remainder of days of the trip... Things got busy (and we were exhausted) as soon as we hit Santiago de Compostela.

And, then, on our last day in Porto (where we flew out of, back to the US), our hotel gave me food poisoning.

And, THEN, I got COVID (my first time unless I got it before we knew what it was, in 2020) some idiots on the plane next to me (I was in the isle seat) from Newark to Houston. They coughed, hacked, sniffled, and snorted like there was no tomorrow, without masks, without covering their mouths, without any consideration for anyone else. I was so dead tired, I fell asleep without putting my own mask on, preventatively.

Symptoms started late last night. I didn't know that line on the test could get so dark--it's maroon! I've tested myself several times over the years, and it was always been negative.

So, it's been a shitty past few days. *rimshot*

I promise I'll finish. I feel that I actually have some better stuff to share than simply "we did this today." I just literally don't have the energy to do so right now, and even this post is not very linear. Luckily, the week before we left, I got the latest covid vaccine, and my symptoms aren't all that bad. It's mostly the back-to-back illnesses that's wiping me out.

I'm staying hydrated, and my appetite is quite healthy. This is the first time jetlag has affected me so badly, too. (Probably just caused by the illnesses!)

Laters all!
